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Futures Literacy Labs: Unleashing imagination and creativity for the future

Amerissa Giannouli Futures Literacy Labs provide a mechanism and a process for unleashing imagination and creativity about the future by making use of the uncertainty. They involve the theoretical principles of futures literacy and provides space for experimentation using different... Read More...

Decolonizing your imagination: Futures Literacy for change

Amerissa Giannouli The expected impacts of the climate crisis have confronted the social and environmental injustices that are buried beneath the consumption and production patterns of our lives. On top of that, the pandemic is shaking the pillars on which... Read More...

Introducing Futures Thinking and Foresight: A Workshop with Wendy L Schultz

We are surrounded by ideas about the future – in advertising, politics, the arts, and many other parts of our lives, we are often promised or asked to imagine plural and multiple futures. Our ability to understand the ways in... Read More...

What is Futures Literacy?

Futures Literacy, a universally accessible skill that builds on the innate human capacity to imagine the future, offers a clear, field tested solution to poverty-of-the-imagination.UNESCO Futures Literacy is defined by UNESCO as a skill that allows people to better understand... Read More...

Reflections on storytelling with Nerina Finetto

There are many definitions of a story, in terms of form, function, and the phenomena that occur when a story is told, retold and shared. Of the thousands of ways in which we might seek to define and recognise a... Read More...

Storytelling with young people

The Future Narratives partnership includes organisations with many years of combined experience in working with young people and those from backgrounds often marginalised in mainstream discourse. Our project allows us to share and develop this experience together, creating innovative and... Read More...

Welcome to Future Narratives

What is the narrative that makes me who I am? What are the narratives that my community comes from, lives in and dreams of? What are the narratives that shape my actions and what are the narratives that my imagination... Read More...

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