Learn to harness the power of narrative for you, your community and our common future.


Future Narratives is an Erasmus+ co-funded project that aims to engage, connect and empower young people across Europe through storytelling and futures literacy.

Here you can learn more about our project, find curated resources on key concepts, and join our conversation on the theory and practice of Future Narratives.

The stories we hear and the stories we tell shape
our understanding of our pasts, presents and futures.

By learning how to harness the power of narrative, we
can imagine and create a positive and sustainable future
for ourselves, our communities and our world.

We believe that through telling the stories of ourselves and
of our communities we can understand, reimagine and invest in
our possible futures.  Our aims:

  • Engage:

    People and societies use stories to understand the world and our place in it. There are the stories we tell ourselves about our identity, our past and our future, and there are the stories our society tells us about its future and our places within it. Future Narratives will focus on young people’s participation in these stories.

  • Connect:

    There is no better way to connect with other people than telling your story and listening to theirs. This relationship fosters understanding, empathy and deeper connection. Future Narratives will promote dialogue between young people from different European countries, enabling us to imagine new futures together.

  • Empower:

    Future Narratives will help young people to think about their history, their values, their dreams. The project aims to enable them to engage with their own story, listen to it, understand it and tell it to others. By telling stories, young people can imagine and own their future and that of their community.

  • Future Narratives: Informal Innovative Pathways

    Added: 13th April 2021

    A course designed to empower young people through Futures Literacy, narrative and storytelling, while developing their key competencies and skills. Based on the methodologies developed through our project, this document offers approaches and practical activities designed to foster young people’s… View
  • Stories from 2050: Radical, inspiring and thought-provoking narratives around challenges and opportunities of our futures

    Added: 13th April 2021

    “Adding up to 21 stories, the narratives in this booklet deal with the planetary emergency, the existential threat of climate change and the biodiversity crisis, which are driving the European Green Deal. They were built on ideas by people from… View
  • Go ahead, dream about the future

    Added: 13th April 2021

    Charlie Anders @ TED – “‘You don’t predict the future — you imagine the future,’ says sci-fi writer Charlie Jane Anders. In a talk that’s part dream, part research-based extrapolation, she takes us on a wild, speculative tour of the… View
  • Becoming Futures Literate

    Added: 13th April 2021

    Lois Damhof @ Future Summit 2021 – “How do we use future thinking to rethink the present? Futures Literacy is a capability that helps us to embrace uncertainty and question the status quo, both necessary to make full use of… View

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