Posted: 15th June 2021
Welcome to Future Narratives
What is the narrative that makes me who I am? What are the narratives that my community comes from, lives in and dreams of? What are the narratives that shape my actions and what are the narratives that my imagination shape?
Stories are powerful. Narrative and Futures Literacy are powerful skills and access to them for the people who are not included in the mainstream imagination is key for a more inclusive, more sustainable and more equal society. The Future Narratives project is inspired by the belief that promoting and developing these skills is vital to enable young people to imagine and create more positive futures.
Future Narratives launched in March 2021 with a virtual transnational event at which our partners introduced themselves and their work, and discussed our plans and aspirations for the next two years.

Our project is a partnership between six organisations working across Europe. The project is coordinated by Traces&Dreams, a Swedish organisation specialising in storytelling, narrative, and the communication of ideas and innovation at an international level.
In Spain, Federación Andalucía Acoge has worked since 1991 to respond to the needs of migrants, working through 21 centres in Andalucía and Melilla to promote equal rights and opportunities and build a plural and inclusive society.
Euro Project Lab is an Italian consultancy offering strategic planning, development and management for European projects, particularly in the sectors of culture, education and training.
In Greece, Inter Alia is active in education, youth work and culture, with the aims of creating an inclusive and active European civil society through enhancing intercultural understanding, empowering youth and promoting openness and democracy in civic life.
As our German partners, Machart offers training, coaching and action-oriented projects, using theatre education to foster playful and meaningful interaction and the development of skills and confidence among diverse groups of people.
Working primarily with people aged 16-25 in Sollentuna, Sweden, Möjlighteternas Plats offers self-leadership training and individual coaching, as well as providing an open meeting place in which young people lead and support each other.
Drawing on the expertise and experience of all our partners, Future Narratives will work over the next two years to develop innovative methods for the use of narrative, storytelling and Futures Literacy in work with young people. Our training events, labs, workshops and public events will be interwoven throughout with this digital platform, where you can find out more about our project, explore curated resources on key concepts, receive regular news on our progress, and discover the work created by young people.